Contributed to the TLCo-op by Alina Holmes, Graduate Research Assistant of the Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment, 2020.

Maybe you like to have music playing as students enter the class to get them started for the day. Maybe the music you are playing relates to the course content or helps them feel energized for your class. Whatever your reasons, you can still share both audio and short video clips using Zoom.

To start sharing, click share screen. Towards the bottom of the window that pops up there will be two boxes you can check and uncheck. One box allows you to share audio with others in the meeting. The other box allows you to optimize for sharing short videos so they come through more clearly for those watching on the other end. You can share your computer audio without sharing the content on your visual screen if this is something you want. If the video are sharing has video and audio, click both boxes so students can see and hear the videos you are sharing with them. Or watch the video below to seen how this is done in action. 

Image Attribution: “This work” by rupixen, Pixabay is in the Public Domain, CC0